This awak­en­ing as to its val­ue has been too tardy, indeed, it has been from a slum­ber of cen­turies. Not that good Cook­ery has not been prac­tised from time immemo­r­i­al, but its recog­ni­tion from a sci­en­tif­ic point of view is almost with­in our own day; and even at the present time, dietet­ics, or that depart­ment of med­i­cine which relates to food and diet, is only grad­u­al­ly assum­ing a posi­tion which is des­tined ulti­mate­ly to become sec­ond to none.

The fre­quent expe­ri­ence of the house­wife liv­ing in the coun­try or sub­urbs these days to receive unex­pect­ed vis­its from friends who are tour­ing in auto­mo­biles, and she finds she must have some­thing attrac­tive, dain­ty and nour­ish­ing ready at a momen­t’s notice to sup­ple­ment the cup of tea or cof­fee so wel­come after a hot, dusty trip.

It is a wise plan to keep a vari­ety of Sum­mer Sausage on hand, as in a very few min­utes deli­cious sand­wich­es may be pre­pared with this, these sand­wich­es hav­ing the charm of nov­el­ty. It is impos­si­ble to deal in a short arti­cle with the many vari­eties of Sum­mer Sausage, but there are three or four which can be touched upon. To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them.

The sim­ple desserts are the best desserts, and none is more pleas­ing to the eye and the palate or so eas­i­ly made or so fre­quent­ly served in an imper­fect man­ner, than custards.

With a sup­ply of good eggs in the pantry the house­wife need nev­er be at a loss for a tasty cus­tard, and if she is wise enough to buy Armour’s Fan­cy Selects when she orders eggs from her mar­ket man their good­ness will be reflect­ed in her desserts. Aside from their good­ness their extra large size will always rec­om­mend their use to the wise house­wife. They come packed in an extra large carton.

These grapes are then used to make an excep­tion­al sweet treat wine called Sauternes, which we served at this din­ner along­side some dif­fer­ent scrump­tious aged sustenances.

To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them. They are the sta­ple diet in many for­eign coun­tries and in the Armour brand the native fla­vor­ing has been done with remark­able faithfulness—so much so that large quan­ti­ties are shipped from this coun­try every week to the coun­tries where they originated.

They are the sta­ple diet in many for­eign coun­tries and in the Armour brand the native fla­vor­ing has been done with remark­able faithfulness—so much so that large quan­ti­ties are shipped from this coun­try every week to the coun­tries where they orig­i­nat­ed. To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them. It is impos­si­ble to deal in a short arti­cle with the many vari­eties of Sum­mer Sausage, but there are three or four which can be touched upon.

Georgie Forman
Georgie Forman

I’m a London-based qualified and registered organic process therapist. I consider victimization real food to help people feel their best. I’m a firm believer that real food ar typically straightforward, and simple to bring into your life. I take a awfully smart approach that is realistic for my purchasers.

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