Testing Type

Typog­ra­phy is more than just what fonts you use. Typog­ra­phy is every­thing that has to do with how text looks – such as font size, line length, col­or, and even more sub­tle things like the white­space around a text. Good typog­ra­phy sets the tone of your writ­ten mes­sage and helps to rein­force its mean­ing and context.

Display Heading

Main Heading One

Secondary Heading

Heading Three

Heading Four

Meta Large
Meta Small

A lead para­graph is a short para­graph set in a larg­er font size that opens an arti­cle. The pur­pose of a lead para­graph is to give the read­er a quick sum­ma­ry of the sto­ry and pro­vide a hook to entice fur­ther reading.

Open­ing para­graphs often deserve some form of dec­o­ra­tive type treat­ment to help draw the read­er in. Two such meth­ods are ini­tial small caps and drop caps. These spe­cial type treat­ments serve to mark a clear begin­ning to an arti­cle and can add a sense of for­mal­i­ty. Drop caps have a long his­to­ry in typog­ra­phy, dat­ing back to the ear­li­est days of typesetting.

Para­graphs only need enough space below them to let the read­er know they are start­ing on a new para­graph. Any more space than that is dis­tract­ing and breaks up the flow of read­ing. White space is impor­tant, but you don’t want huge gaps all down your page.

Block­quotes are a great way to dis­play and for­mat quo­ta­tions. Insert beau­ti­ful quotes.Martha Stew­ard

Martha Stew­ard

Para­graphs only need enough space below them to let the read­er know they are start­ing on a new para­graph. Any more space than that is dis­tract­ing and breaks up the flow of read­ing. White space is impor­tant, but you don’t want huge gaps all down your page.

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