To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them. They are the sta­ple diet in many for­eign coun­tries and in the Armour brand the native fla­vor­ing has been done with remark­able faithfulness—so much so that large quan­ti­ties are shipped from this coun­try every week to the coun­tries where they originated.

The fre­quent expe­ri­ence of the house­wife liv­ing in the coun­try or sub­urbs these days to receive unex­pect­ed vis­its from friends who are tour­ing in auto­mo­biles, and she finds she must have some­thing attrac­tive, dain­ty and nour­ish­ing ready at a momen­t’s notice to sup­ple­ment the cup of tea or cof­fee so wel­come after a hot, dusty trip.

It is a wise plan to keep a vari­ety of Sum­mer Sausage on hand, as in a very few min­utes deli­cious sand­wich­es may be pre­pared with this, these sand­wich­es hav­ing the charm of nov­el­ty. It is impos­si­ble to deal in a short arti­cle with the many vari­eties of Sum­mer Sausage, but there are three or four which can be touched upon. To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them.

Although a meal sat­is­fies your hunger you should have dessert, because the edu­cat­ed palate craves that par­tic­u­lar spice as a prop­er fin­ish. Sci­en­tists tell us that a din­ner digests bet­ter because of a tasty dessert, which, they say, gives the final stim­u­lus nec­es­sary to dis­pose of the food pre­vi­ous­ly received.

The sim­ple desserts are the best desserts, and none is more pleas­ing to the eye and the palate or so eas­i­ly made or so fre­quent­ly served in an imper­fect man­ner, than custards.

With a sup­ply of good eggs in the pantry the cook need nev­er be at a loss for a tasty cus­tard, and if she is wise enough to buy Armour’s Fan­cy Selects when she orders eggs from her mar­ket man their good­ness will be reflect­ed in her desserts. Aside from their good­ness their extra large size will always rec­om­mend their use to the wise house­wife. They come packed in an extra large car­ton. It is a wise plan to keep a vari­ety of Sum­mer Sausage on hand, as in a very few min­utes deli­cious sand­wich­es may be pre­pared with this, these sand­wich­es hav­ing the charm of nov­el­ty. It is impos­si­ble to deal in a short arti­cle with the many vari­eties of Sum­mer Sausage, but there are three or four which can be touched upon. To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them.

Although a meal sat­is­fies your hunger you should have dessert, because the edu­cat­ed palate craves that par­tic­u­lar spice as a prop­er fin­ish. Sci­en­tists tell us that a din­ner digests bet­ter because of a tasty dessert, which, they say, gives the final stim­u­lus nec­es­sary to dis­pose of the food pre­vi­ous­ly received.

These being the more eas­i­ly made may be con­sid­ered first. They may either be steamed or baked but the mix­ture is the same in either case. Allow two eggs and a tea­spoon­ful of sug­ar to each half pint of milk. Beat the eggs with sug­ar thor­ough­ly, but do not froth them, as the cus­tard must be as smooth and free from holes as pos­si­ble. Add the milk slow­ly, also a few drops of fla­vor­ing essence—vanilla, almonds or lemon. Pour into a but­tered mould (or into indi­vid­ual moulds), set in a pan of hot water and bake until firm. Chill thor­ough­ly and turn out on serv­ing dish. Serve with sug­ar and cream. A pleas­ing addi­tion to the above is made by gar­nish­ing the sides of the mould with strips of Can­ton gin­ger before pour­ing in the custard.

The sim­ple desserts are the best desserts, and none is more pleas­ing to the eye and the palate or so eas­i­ly made or so fre­quent­ly served in an imper­fect man­ner, than custards.

With a sup­ply of good eggs in the pantry the house­wife need nev­er be at a loss for a tasty cus­tard, and if she is wise enough to buy Armour’s Fan­cy Selects when she orders eggs from her mar­ket man their good­ness will be reflect­ed in her desserts. Aside from their good­ness their extra large size will always rec­om­mend their use to the wise house­wife. They come packed in an extra large carton.

It is a wise plan to keep a vari­ety of Sum­mer Sausage on hand, as in a very few min­utes deli­cious sand­wich­es may be pre­pared with this, these sand­wich­es hav­ing the charm of nov­el­ty. It is impos­si­ble to deal in a short arti­cle with the many vari­eties of Sum­mer Sausage, but there are three or four which can be touched upon. To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them. They are the sta­ple diet in many for­eign coun­tries and in the Armour brand the native fla­vor­ing has been done with remark­able faithfulness—so much so that large quan­ti­ties are shipped from this coun­try every week to the coun­tries where they originated.

To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them.

It is impos­si­ble to deal in a short arti­cle with the many vari­eties of Sum­mer Sausage, but there are three or four which can be touched upon. To have a thor­ough under­stand­ing of their good­ness one must not only read about them but taste them. They are the sta­ple diet in many for­eign coun­tries and in the Armour brand the native fla­vor­ing has been done with remark­able faithfulness—so much so that large quan­ti­ties are shipped from this coun­try every week to the coun­tries where they originated.

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