The great ocean road is home to the kind of stuff you see in Google images and always wish you could visit one day. Twelve Apostles, Koalas, Kangaroos, surf towns, Bells Beach and Point Break or cowabunga Keanu.

Living so close to such a beautiful area, most weekends regadless of the season I usually am having a drive down the coast to grab a few shots, as there is much to explore and this place rarely takes a bad photo. The idea behind this guide was to do what I love — grab my camera, some friends and to go explore. I rented a VW kombi for the weekend and the only thing on my itinerary was to enjoy the time, keep shooting and try to show off the laid back Australian summer lifestyle.
The idea behind this guide was to do what I love — grab my camera, some friends and to go explore.
Most weekends regadless of the season I usually am having a drive down the coast to grab a few shots, as there is much to explore and this place rarely takes a bad photo. The idea behind this guide was to do what I love — grab my camera, some friends and to go explore. I rented a VW kombi for the weekend and the only thing on my itinerary was to enjoy the time, keep shooting and try to show off the laid back Australian summer lifestyle.
I keep wondering lately how long it is until “on-screen legibility in mind” is just “designed for legibility” because most design will be for screens first and print second.
I agree with supporting type designers. I wish more of them let me serve their fish in my restaurant. This is changing for the better though.
I have found that simplifying terminology and dumbing things down for clients whilst judging their level of awareness works helps it stick.
Thank you for a fantastic article! You just encapsulated a career’s worth of visual design knowledge in a single page. Love it!
Alex, I must confess you just stole my words!
Year after year the New York Racing Association makes changes to this track which reduces the positive ambience, this year was no different. Their latest ploy to squeeze a little more money out and to reduce the overall charm is to put a fence around some of the picnic tables to the right of the paddock charging people to sit there.